The Pimpin' Quiz; Round 2

Welcome to The Pimpin' Quiz; Round Two. It's Pot Luck again this time, don't forget the prize of a snappy, individualised Pimpin' Quiz Winner award for your sidebar.

The same rules as last time apply, with one change; the quiz will close at 10am QLD time next Friday, 13th Feb. Just pop your answers in the comment box below!

Ready to roll, team?

  1. What does the R in DRABC stand for?

  2. Which medications are in the Timentin(R) preparation?

  3. The triad of a pleural effusion, benign ovarian fibroma (or thecoma) and ascites is known as?

  4. Henry Honibal played what for whom?

  5. Name four causes of left axis deviation on ECG.

  6. Which cell line is most often implicated in Lymphoma?

  7. What are six Neuro/Psyche differentials for syncope?

  8. Most common causative organism in Urinary Tract Infection?

  9. In Aristophanes' The Wasps, what malady is Dercylus implied to suffer from?

  10. Diltiazem is specifically what kind of medication?

  11. I've just asked for an Anti-CCP titre for a patient, because I suspect which disease?

  12. Narrow complex tachycardias have an ECG rate of greater than ... bpm and a QRS complex duration of less than... ms?

Game on.


    Hi, can we please have the answers to quiz two. I thought I posted them last tuesday night but I wasn't loged in correctly. - It's a learning curve. I worked hard for those answers and it would be nice to know if the research was in the right direction. As a wise pharmacist I once worked with told me to be careful of misinformation on the internet. They went like this.
    1. Response
    2.Ticarcillin Sodium and Potassium Clavulanate
    3.Psuedo Meig's Syndrome
    4. Rugby Union for South Africa debut test against Australia in 1993, final test against ....... New Zealand in 1999.
    5. a. Q waves of inferior myocardial infarction
    b. Ventricular tachycardia
    c. Left anterior hemiblock
    d. Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
    (e.) Artifical cardia pacing
    6. B Cell
    7.a. Manifestation of paroxysmal discharge of abnormal rhythms in some part of the brain.
    b. transient global amnesia
    c. vocalisations
    d. eye movements
    e. tonic spasms/righting movements
    f. high amplitude brain wave slowing and flattening without cortial discharges. (being a non med student I'm not sure if a and f are the same thing).
    8.Bacteria, gram negative gut flora of the group
    9. Is this a trick question? Did you mean Dardanis (the flute girl)
    10. Blood pressure - calcium channel blocker (relaxes blood vessles and improves blood flow).
    11. Rheumatoid arthritis.
    12. Narrow complex tachycardias have an ECG of greater than 100
    BPM and a QRS complex duration of less than 120 MS.
    So if you have have the time and inclination I'd really appreciate it. Thanks