It's been quite a while since I've put any original photos up. I'm still getting my head around my new phone/camera combintation. These, however, were taken last November & December...

Aeroplane trails through the London Eye.

Sunset on the Somerset Line, ex Aquae Sulis.

London Bridge.

A fresh Parisian morning on the Right Bank.

Snow-covered tree, Interlaken.

Lights, Palazzo Labia, Venice.

Cathedral belfry, Sienna, Italy.

Amphitheatre, Pompeii.

Batman vs the hordes, Pompeii.

Steps en route to Pantheon, Rome.


    Looks awesome. I have recently found I will probably have an opportunity to go to Europe this year (read: someone related to me paying for my tickets so they can see me before I start work and get sucked into the Black Hole of Internship). Am looking forward to it so much, have only been to 2 countries there and those over 20 years ago.
    Love, LOVE the b+w photos.