: Voting is now open Australian Medical Blog Awards
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Polls are now open for the Australian Medical Blog Awards, sponsored by The aim of the awards is to promote quality medical blogging by Australians and foster a community of bloggers that rivals the international scene.
The winner stands to win a package of top web coding and design books from SitePoint.
- Build Your Own Web Site The Right Way Using HTML & CSS
- The Principles of Beautiful Web Design
- Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL
Those who are blogging might like to check out some of SitePoint’s more interesting tutorials Learn HTML and CSS: An Absolute Beginner’s Guide, Video: An introduction to CSS or Master SEO Keywords: Give your site the kickstart it deserves!
The list of nominees has been scrutinised by a team of international experts and they have selected a shortlist (in alphabetical order):
Congratulations to all the nominees, and those who made the short list. Voting is open to everyone - you need not be Australian, you need not be medical, you just need to have an opinion. Polls close on the 20th of February, so get your votes in before then.
If you didn’t make the short list, you have 12 months before the second Australian Medical Blog Awards is launched.Click here to vote!
Well done Captain and good luck! Regardless, keep up the good work and the posts!