Booyah. Take that Aortic Stenosis.

Up until yesterday, rounds was an excellent chance to feel like a dumb-ass. Then something happened; I got things right. Not just one question, a whole line of questioning. It only happened the once, the rest of the round was typically challenging, but hell, I smoked Aortic Stenosis and Sclerosis. I'd studied it a few days earlier, and dead-set retained the knowledge, and knew it well enough to confidently rattle it off. Booyah. Then the consultant quizzed the reg about HLA-B27 and my eyes glazed over.

After lunch, I went to see the rheumatologist for clinic. It was easily the most intense teaching I've had so far. Manily because I was introduced thus;

Dr: "Today we have Dr. Atopic with us. He's going to look at your hands and tell you exactly what's wrong with you."

Pt: "Wonderful, I've been waiting for a proper diagnosis for twelve years."

Me: *gulp*

The teaching was direct, understandable, decluttered and well, memorable. It's nice to have several presentations not only drummed into your head by an insistent clinician, but also to be staring at typical said presentations. Plus, I got asked about HLA-B27; it turned out I had been listening earlier.