Pimpin' Quiz; Round 1

Pimping - v. the act of singling out one person of the group and testing their knowledge by asking them a series of intense, difficult questions in front of everyone. - Urban Dictionary

I had a think about my previous post and I've decided in celebration all that is pimping that I'm gonna start posting a 'Pimpin' Quiz'. I'll try to make it a regular thing, say, once a fortnight-ish. There will be a prize of a special wee logo (as above) that'll certify that you, personally, got properly pimped by yours truly. It'll be small enough to chuck in your sidebar, too. I hope no one's blogging under the name Stevens-Johnson.

There are only a few rules;
a) Submit your entry via commenting below the quiz.
b) You get one crack at the dozen answers.
c) Entries will close 60 hours after the post. If no-one gets all ten, then I feel like an uber-nerd.
d) If I get slack I may or may not put more pharmacy questions in than is absolutely necessary. Deal with it. It's what I get pimped on too, y'know.
e) There will always be two 'pot-luck' questions. Just to push the importance of the whole work/life balance thing.
f) I'm writing the questions with my references in hand. If you like yours better, I'm open for good-natured debate. It's a cool logo, I know.
g) Answers should be short. Like a word or maybe ten if you're in 'essay mode'.

This stuff isn't designed as elitist, although it's supposed to be pretty freaking hard in bits. Anyone can have a crack, and should; the answers are all out there somewhere. The first comment with all twelve answers correct will win the logo! Huzzah!

Round 1:

1. Which anticonvulsant can cause Lymphadenopathy?
2. What is the most common cause of Pericarditis
3. A Reed-Sternberg cell is diagnostic of which disease?
4. Perhexiline is used in the treatment of which disease?
5. Which gene is mutated in Cystic Fibrosis?
6. Which actor played James Bond in the film "On Her Majesty's Secret Service"?
7. What is the fundamental feature of osteoarthritis?
8. Who won the 2009 Johnny Warren medal, and for which team did he play?
9. What does the H in CHOP-R stand for?
10. Three ACTH-dependent causes of Cushing's Syndrome are...?
11. Name two key oral signs of Vit. B12 deficiency.
12. Which eponymous syndrome is also known as Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis?

Game on.


    Gees... but awesome! Here goes, and hope I don't end up looking too much like a little dweeb... o.O

    i) Phenytoin
    ii) Infection, heart attack
    iii) Hodgkin's disease
    iv) Angina...
    v) Cystic Fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)
    vi) George Lazenby :D
    vii) Painful joints
    viii) Shane Smeltz, Wellington Phoenix (But seriously, go Perth Glory)
    ix) Hydroxydaunorubicin
    x) Cushing's disease, Ectopic ACTH syndrome, Ectopic corticotropin-releasing hormone syndrome
    xi) Sores in the side of the mouth, and also itchy or painful "stinging" tongue
    xii) Sturge-Weber syndrome