Aussie MedBlog Awards

DrCris, of AppleQuack and Scalpel's Edge fame, has initiated the Inaugural Australian Medical Blog Awards. A while ago she began nut out a list of all the Aussie medical blogs, and hey, if you're into Down Under MedBlogs, get stuck in. In fact, if you want to nominate a blog, just click on the first link in this post and follow the directions!

Here are The Rules:
  1. Nominations will be taken as comments on this post for two weeks, ending Friday 6th February at 6pm EDST. There is only one category this year - Best Australian Medical Blog. This includes doctors, nurses, ambos, pharmacists, medical researchers and patient blogs, along with many others. You could start with some of the blogs listed at the Australian Medical Blogroll.
  2. You may nominate one blog only (preferably not your own - you know it makes you look silly), so choose wisely.
  3. The nominations will be scoured by an international panel of bloggers, and a short list of 5 will be chosen.
  4. Polls (should) open on Monday 9th of February and voting will continue until 6pm EDST on Friday 20th Feb.
  5. I am the sole organiser of this contest, so this blog, AppleQuack, and my other blog, Scalpel’s Edge are immune to nominations (but chocolates will be accepted).
  6. Nominations and votes can come from international people, and non-medical people.
  7. It’s just a game, ok, so don’t take it too seriously. There will be another chance next year.

Anyhoo, I reckon it's a mantis idea. Even more humbling is that Sid over at Scriptie Makes You Fat has been kind enough to nominate me! Other nominations include the amazing Life In the Fast Lane, the honest and insightful OutBack Ambo, and the delightful Dragonfly Initiative. I'm honoured to be placed among such esteemed comrades.

So, yeah, check out the nominated blogs (they all rock!) and have a wee vote. Lovesit.