
Today's the first day back at Med School. This morning felt like a holiday, not having to go into a pharmacy, and waking up a wee bit sleepy, but just feeling relaxed.
Once at the Hospital, the other students and I have been bombarded with timetables; seven in total, and told that everything's compulsory. The timetables are all coloour-coded and 'personalised' to each Take-Unit. Confusion runs riot.
The Head of the School has rolled in and massively simplified things; I don't feel quite as swamped by bureaucracy as a few hours ago. It may also help that we've been given the afternoon off to study.
Tomorrow I meet my consultant, reg and team and we're on Take in the arvo, which will be when it'll start proper. Then I'll begin the hard stuff. Huzzah!!
Study time.


    I hate colour coded timetables. Have fun on take.