Five Week Siren

Last weekend was the Australian Rules Grand Final; it's one of those odd sports that one country is obsessed with and no-one else plays. Like American Football or Jai-Alai. This year, the underdog Hawks upset the incumbent Cats in a gritty match. My team, the Sydney Swans were bundled out of the finals with two rounds to go, finishing a credible fifth.

In AFL, there's a 'five-minutes remaining' siren for each quarter.

Since final exams are fast approaching, this is my five week siren. These are what the SOM calls 'Hurdle exams', and they're the summation of all the pre-clinical years. They will be the usual pair of three-hour writtens and a marathon OSCE (called MSAT in this neck of the woods).

My guess is that blogging may be a tad lighter for the next month and a little bit... but don't worry, I guarantee at least one story a week!


    I love Aussie rules football! I get bored watching most other sports. It's the highest energy sport I've ever seen.As a non-Aussie I have to wonder if these guys are naturally fit & energized or if they need a little extra help.

    Haven't seen it on TV in a long while & *just* missed the end of the season when I visited Australia several years ago. Are the games streamed online at all?