Take me home and eat me, Yeah!

This week, I've been indulging my musical tastes with some fairly nostalgic rock. For most that's stuff like Pink Floyd and maybe some Led Zep, but for a child of the '80s, I've been bringing back the Smashing Pumpkins and some Audioslave. Yes, I'm aware that Audioslave was formed late in the'90s(?), but hey, it's more than 5 years old, so it counts as a flash back.

The Pumpkins flashback is a slightly lengthier one, say 10 years. This induced some typically nauseating nostalgia about how much one changes from 13 to ~23. Clearly my mind has been lulled into this state by the many hours of study. My Beastie Boys song of the week is "Cooky Puss", recorded in 1982, before they moved to LA and when Kate S was still in the lineup. Old school to the M.A.X. It's also considered to be their first hip hop recording (and it's got some very old school prank calls in there too).

I've also discovered that my eyesight has deteriorated at an alarming rate in the last year and a half. My opto said that it's almost certainly due to going back to uni; ah, the sacrifice.

Here's a shot of a book that I've been spending some time with. Whilst there's a pencil in the shot, I don't write on textbooks, and it makes me super cranky when people do.