Re-energised. Boom!

After reading the last few posts a couple of times over; I felt the need to think about what makes a blog good, readable, re-readable and interesting. A few other sources I read out in blog-land said that the most important thing to do is write with passion. This brings me to my first resolution for the post:

1. I will write with passion, about what truly interests me.

I also began reading some other blogs for ideas. I'm particularly enjoying The Angry Pharmacist, for several reasons, not least of which that I'm a Pharmacist myself. (Have I mentioned that before? Oh well. I finished undergrad a couple of years ago and I work a couple of days each week when I'm not studying. It's a great job, and I'll doubtless relay further pharmacy stories.) Anyway, what I'm getting to is that the main reason I enjoy The Angry Pharmacist is that he/she is direct, honest doesn't care if people are offended; in short, a straight shooter. More resolutions to take out of this:

2. Be a straight shooter. I will take risks and write about things that not everyone agrees on.

The other blog I've been browsing is Ah Yes, Residency, and it's precursor, Ah Yes, Medical School. I can really appreciate that Fake Doctor has not only a) finished Med School, b) continued to blog throughout but also, c) has gotten back on the horse after what I imagine will be the hardest, most grueling and sleep-deprived few months of his life. More to that end, the guy's obviously opened up quite a bit about himself. I'm not sure if that's to ensure he finds himself an attractive Jewish girl, or just because he can... either way, it speaks volumes, and I appreciate his credibility as a result.

3. I will show some emotion in my writing. It can be anything, from sugary sun-shininess to morbid and morose meanderings. I will not be an apathetic blogger; I will blog loyal to what I'm thinking.

So, those are my three new rules to blogging, in combination with my previous dictum of publishing at least weekly until I graduate. I'm excited, and you can be too, if that's your thing. Right then. Let's roll!