Mixin' It Up.

Howdy folks,
As I keep going on about, the study's cranked up; almost to the maximum. Having broken the course thus far into separate weeks has certainly helped with the a macro-study plan, and that's going okay too.

Also going okay is my short, effective procrastination blocks; having taken the form of artwork. This week's shot was taken about a month ago, but it's a good example of the 'style' I've been going for recently. Of course, it's heavily channeling my enjoyment of the Beasties, and a smattering of '80s kitsch.

The next direction, I think, will be towards a bit more of a natural kind of thing; that is, weird cartoon-ish animals in natural settings +/- witty one liners. Here's hoping.

I'm finishing this post on a Saturday night; between two 12+hr shifts. My brain may be somewhat more addled than usual :) Enjoy the pic!