Compulsory terminology

Okay, so this is the first time I've actually had to really think about what I'm going to spew onto this. With reference to my previous post, the actual goal is that I'm going to write on either Wednesday or Thursday each week. That'll work nicely with my timetable and other events.

Which brings me to my other suggestion from last Thursday; more about me. I thought that I'd add one last fact to sort of round it all off, that is, what you need to know about me. I am a Medical Student, or as some of the course coordinators call it a 'Doctor-In-Training'. The latter of these terms seems a bit odd to me, for several reasons;

Firstly, the 'In Training' bit outweighs the 'Doctor' bit, which is good, as there's no way that med students should be let loose on patients. Secondly, I think that this term sounds quite vocational, which isn't really that far from the truth. However, as some may agree, the 'in training' part tends to detract from the academic aspect of the qualification.

Conversely, the term 'Medical Student' should imply a bucketload of booksmarts, but not one iota of practicality. This is further aggravated by the term 'student' which has become so diffuse that it is frequently used to describe primary school kids (they were always pupils, back in the day), and, thanks to Te Wangana O Aoteoroa, some bouncers-in-training. Hmmm.

I'm at a loss about which of these terms is more appropriate, as well as the context for the correct use of the term 'student'. Generally, I think the term should be reserved for tertiary academic courses mostly at Universities. I appreciate that this attitude is a bit high and mighty, and I'm still in search of a reasonable term to describe persons learning knowledge and skills in a non-university, non-trade-based environment. I do like the term trainee, which would be differentiated nicely from an apprentice and a student. Also, the trainee part would come first, such as a trainee bookkeeper vs an apprentice electrician vs a law student. Right then, I'm clearly rambling.

Here's the photo for today; it's all about the back-light, really. The guitar ain't mine; it's my flatmate's; and he's quite musical. It makes for pretty mellow evenings, having a wee sing-along with the rest of the team; including a bongo player and two guitarists. Sometimes they give me an egg-shaker.