ANZAC Preparation

Tomorrow is ANZAC Day. I've been to two Dawn Services since I finished High School, neither in Australia. Tomorrow, I'm not going to a Dawn Service. However, I am going to walk the final 30km of the Kokoda Challenge Course (and then another 10km back to the car), so I'm pretty sure that the ANZACs will be on my mind. Preparations have been sort of winding up for the last few days; prior to writing this I've been reading my Red Cross Manual about Snake Bites, as Ant mentioned today that in one of the sections there's a snake warning and gaiters are advised(!) Kick-off will be just before 8am, and we're expected to be back in Brissy around 5.30pm.

Which will be just in time to re-claim the Beer Pong crown! <>

Also this week, I've really delved into some more painting. I finished the only piece I've spent more than an hour on yesterday. I re-drew/painted it from a photo I took a couple of years ago; the whole 'panels'/'double canvas' was and idea from my sister. Anyhoosers, here's the completed work;