The Hot List
Thursday, March 5, 2009
"It's not Rocket Surgery!"
Anyhoo, I've had in my mind for quite a while which specialties are definite possibilities, as well as those which are definite no-go zones. Since I've only done internal med, I consider many of my views to still be a bit on the theoretical side, but hey, that's how it goes.
At the moment, Radiology and Pathology are well out. I get that they're good fun for interest's sake but not every. single. day. Plastic surgery is made noble by a few, but there's a bit too much... plastic... around that neck of the woods. I'm not a big fan of Gastroenterology either (insert poo joke here).
Strongly within the realms of possibility are; Cardio, Respiratory, Psychiatry, Emergency Medicine and General Surgery.
My current 'Hot List' is (in alphabetical order only);
- General Medicine (It's better than knowing a little about a lot. It's knowing a lot about a lot, right?)
- General Practice (The appeal of womb to tomb, maybe not so much at the dawn of my career, but that work/life balance I'll want. Eventually.)
- Oncology (It's intense, caring, evolving, fascinating and isn't what I'd call 'for fun' medicine.)
- Obstetrics (& Gynaecology) (Yeah, blokes can still do this; it's got good amounts of public health, medicine and surgery. Rockin'.)
- Paediatric Medicine (Make a big difference to a wee human's future, yeah?)
This morning's quiz, though, made a suggestion completely out of the box; Aerospace Medicine.

Not that internet flowchart one then? Good on you for being open minded about OBGYN though...lots of guys self select out of it before even doing a placement in it...
Nice artwork ! Emergency medicine sounds interesting, stimulating and challenging. The others to but aerospace medicine sounds fascinating. Probably because I find the topic of space fascinating: endless posibilities, evolving knowledge and discoveries!
As you pointed out yourself it's good to keep an open mind as your
list will no doubt change and evolve as your experience grows. So keeping your options open is wise decision.