Degranulated's First Bloggiversary!
Sunday, March 22, 2009

I've been blogging for exactly a year.
When I started last March, I didn't know what I was going to do but that I wanted to do something. Medicine can be all encompassing, challenging and rigid. At 3am when you need to know this list or that list, or on a Sunday when you're earning to learn, your creative drive seems to evaporate.
That's why I started.
I keep going, too, because with blogging, at any computer with an internet connection, from Uni to Rural Poland, anytime from office hours to all hours, an outlet awaits. And people seem to read my musings, and they sometimes tell me that my posts are thought provoking or challenging. I hope that I offer some interesting view of Aussie Medical School, Pharmacy practice and other ramblings I fire off into the ether. I reckon that there aren't many aspects of society that are as 'levelling' as blogging; the chance to interact with gun clinicians and such a diverse group of patients, students and allied health is unparalleled in terms of the respect afforded to one's blog colleagues.
And so, I blog.
Happy Bloggiversary to me!
When I started last March, I didn't know what I was going to do but that I wanted to do something. Medicine can be all encompassing, challenging and rigid. At 3am when you need to know this list or that list, or on a Sunday when you're earning to learn, your creative drive seems to evaporate.
That's why I started.
I keep going, too, because with blogging, at any computer with an internet connection, from Uni to Rural Poland, anytime from office hours to all hours, an outlet awaits. And people seem to read my musings, and they sometimes tell me that my posts are thought provoking or challenging. I hope that I offer some interesting view of Aussie Medical School, Pharmacy practice and other ramblings I fire off into the ether. I reckon that there aren't many aspects of society that are as 'levelling' as blogging; the chance to interact with gun clinicians and such a diverse group of patients, students and allied health is unparalleled in terms of the respect afforded to one's blog colleagues.
And so, I blog.
Happy Bloggiversary to me!
Happy blogiversary to you.
Congratulations. :)
Grats mate, happy bloggiversary and hope many more to come!
Congratulations! Keep up the good work.