Twelve Word Reviews

This was the first trip I've been on in about five years with no pharm/medical reading. Instead, I managed to churn through large amounts of other 'media'. These are my twelve word reviews:

Hancock - Will Smith's invincible antics, jeopardised by intense love, tragedy. Charlize equals hottie!

Get Smart (2008) - Anne Hathaway is a honey. 'Brick' does the old favourite well. Just.

Lost in Translation (w/ Polish subtitles) - Third viewing, watched with my zero-english speaking Polish cousin. Deep, hilarious.

Shin ge jeon - Inspiring but ironic Korean hero story about the greatness of science, missiles.

Self ; Yann Martel - Male or female? A tricky and elobarate exploration of the conscious mind.

Books vs Cigarettes ; George Orwell - My first Orwell. Simple observations, readable logical essays. Would make excellent blogger!

Days of Reading ; Marcel Proust - Struggled through noun-less sentences. Some beautifully painted scenes. I lack 'Ruskin' knowledge.

Girls of Riyadh ; Rajaa Al Sani - Cleverly crafted insight; all societies have foibles, some more unspoken, misunderstood, tragic.

The Rum Diaries ; Hunter S. Thompson - Twisted morals and aimlessness leads down a path versus self-discovery.

Of Mice and Men ; John Steinbeck - Ethical dilemmas and hicks. George isn't lovable, but possibly a good man.

Lonely Planet's Europe on a Shoestring ; Various LP Editors - Scratches the surface of an entire continent, maps included. Sometimes witty!

Only By The Night ; Kings of Leon - Usually I'm anti- 'number one' albums. Soulful or snappy, thoughtful travelling rock.

Details ; Frou Frou - Beautiful music and haunting lyrics. Psychobabble is a disturbing ballad. Buy it.

Optimist LP and Ether Song ; Turin Breaks - Light music that you can bop or sleep to. Solid iPod fodder.

Viva La Vida ; Coldplay - Saw the album cover at the Louvre; the music is more revolutionary!

Not a bad wee haul for a month, I reckon. Especially if you include the Sudoku books I trawled through. As far as reading for the next few weeks goes, it's back to the land of medicine to prep for my first rotation; Internal Medicine. The list includes Davidson's IM, Harrison's IM, some Talley and O'Connor and whatever else feels high-yield. And you know what? After six weeks of no medicine, I'm champing at the bit to read some more. Yus.

And yeah, work on Christmas day is going pretty well, too!