All roads lead to Rome I

When I first started out on this blog, my goal was to post weekly at least until graduation. I'm not sure if the 'delayed posting' option was a possibility back then, but it is now, so I guess it makes things easier. Right now, I'm somewhere in Europe kicking back and really relaxing on a proper holiday. During this time, I will notably have my second Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Sundays not working for 2008. That's actually three fewer than 2009, and no half-days, either.

As I'm flying out of Rome, I figure that, well, the title of this series is pretty obligatory. It's my first trip to the UK and Europe, and countries of note will include England, France, Switzerland, Poland and Italy.

Those of you following twitter will see that I'm arriving in Italy later today. This trip has been most cathartic so far; I've had plenty of time on trains and buses to think about life, had long periods without media (new, old or otherwise) and I've garnered a number of experiences that will no doubt be the subject of future posts; once I've have suitable mind-time to process their significance!

Meantime, if you want to support a good cause, the guys at 2 Guys, 2 Islands, 2 Wheels are cycling the length of Aoteoroa on a Tandem to raise funds for the Red Cross. Get behind 'em and give 'em a financial push. Today's their fourth day on the road; onya fellas!

When I return, I'm going to line up a new phone. I'm tossing up between an iPhone and a Blackberry. iPhones are a bit more expensive, apparently have fewer applications and I'd have to switch carriers. Blackberry appears a bit more established and has better medicine-related functionality but no music. Whilst the Blackberry should be the easy choice, my iPod nano has begun to have some near-death-experiences, and may or may not be considering compiling an Advanced Health Directive. I'm open to suggestions for and against. Your thoughts?