Insert Witty Title.

Newsflash: I've just discovered Grand Rounds. It's awesome. Clearly, I am a blog noob. Anyhoo, vol. 4.46 is up today; this week it's hosted at Pure Pedantry. Be there or be square.

Interestingly, it turns out one of my colleagues, The Voice of Reason, isn't a big fan of Nipple Guy either. Check out The Sequel. It's brutal, trust me.

Speaking of brutal, The Girl With the Blue Stethoscope also puts the acid on the ever offensive Sam Newman, AFL chauvinist supremo.

This week I've also been hunting through a bunch of other Aussie Med Student blogs; I've been enjoying The Dragonfly Initiative. She has pretty and witty cartoons.

Returning to the sporting theme, complete with idiot commentators, the Olympics start this week. (I'm pretty sure you knew this unless you've had your head in a box. Or you don't get any mainstream media, like in China.) I'd like to hark back to Sydney 2000, and Eric Moussambami. Poor bloke. Luckily, his swimming is better than the 'witty' commentary of Roy and HG. Hmm.