The road ahead...

The spring and summer have begun to unfold on The Coast, with planning for 2010 well under way.

In the annual (perhaps monthly) debacle of mal-administration, the cohort has been allocated to Clinical Schools for the final year. Substantially fewer people have been "shafted" as a whole but, as The Coast was vastly oversubscribed, quite a few of my friends have been spread across Queensland. Luckily, the SOM has assigned me to The Coast again for 2010.

The reduced time pressures of the last few months have allowed me actually get involved in the place where I live. Now, in addition to working several nights a week, I spend up to five hour periods outside, either sitting (on my road bike) or standing (on a cricket field).

It's about this time of the post that I prattle on about work/life/study balance, but honestly, the last week's been holiday, so there's been little study. There has, however, been ample opportunity to do all that goal planning and reassessment for the next six months.

There's one rota left this year, General Practice. The summer promises a good chance to travel, exercise and recharge before diving head-first into O&G and then Paeds as my first two rotations. My elective will likely include some more overseas travel, and then the specialties run to the end. Just like that!

The holiday has served as a chance to glance up from the books and assess the path ahead; It's very exciting. Being Saturday, my week's holiday is almost over; General Practice rotation begins on Monday. I can't wait!