Binge Eating Fail
Monday, October 12, 2009
Within three seconds of my 3:55am alarm going off, I thought to myself; Is this really what I do for fun?
Coming off a challenging week in General Practice and sociable Friday and Saturday nights, I was heading to the start line of a 100km charity bike ride. In itself, that's not a huge distance, but a 5:00 kick-off and a 45minute ride to the start - in the dark - made for a bleary start to the day.
The ride was fantastic; I met up with Rocky and we headed into the wind. Then the rain came. I hadn't ridden in rain before, and luckily had only a single greasy-road-related unwanted adrenalin rush. Nonetheless, completed the ride including a very pacey last ten kilometers.
Then we headed our separate ways, and I rode across town to the railway station. I was thoroughly ready for a snooze. Upon returning to base I was famished. So, after a bite to eat and a cat-nap, I planned to head back to The Coast.
Ten minutes into the drive, two thoughts cross my mind;
1) I need some caffeine. This is odd, because I'm not big on coffee for anything other than a twice weekly social tilt. Nonetheless, I had the pangs.
2) I have hunger pangs. Tummy grumbling, dry mouth, gotta have chocolate and carbs and sweetness.
The Service Centre provided delicious doughnuts and energy drinks, and I wolfed them down. I dead-set smashed them back, and in pretty big amounts. I'm talking half a dozen doughnuts and two cans of energy drink badness. Yep, it was a total post-exercise binge. It was sweet. On the road again.
Quarter of an hour later, I'm heavy headed. My mouth is dry. Face flushed and thinking about sleep. There's an hour left to drive. I need a sleep.
I pull off the highway, heart racing in a mix of caffeine, adrenaline and pure pure glucose.
Parked by the sea, I edge the windows open and suck back some fresh air.
I feel nauseous and sleepy. The sickly sugar is pounding my temples. I set an alarm and float into sleep.
A binge-induced, post-prandial, parasympathetic overloaded state of zombiedom.
I wake up dry and flushed, chew down enough water to actually whet my lips unaided, eat some mints and fire the aircon up to full. I drive home, charging. Still nauseous, of course, but alert and focused.
As of tonight, I'm swearing off doughnuts.

Coming off a challenging week in General Practice and sociable Friday and Saturday nights, I was heading to the start line of a 100km charity bike ride. In itself, that's not a huge distance, but a 5:00 kick-off and a 45minute ride to the start - in the dark - made for a bleary start to the day.
The ride was fantastic; I met up with Rocky and we headed into the wind. Then the rain came. I hadn't ridden in rain before, and luckily had only a single greasy-road-related unwanted adrenalin rush. Nonetheless, completed the ride including a very pacey last ten kilometers.
Then we headed our separate ways, and I rode across town to the railway station. I was thoroughly ready for a snooze. Upon returning to base I was famished. So, after a bite to eat and a cat-nap, I planned to head back to The Coast.
Ten minutes into the drive, two thoughts cross my mind;
1) I need some caffeine. This is odd, because I'm not big on coffee for anything other than a twice weekly social tilt. Nonetheless, I had the pangs.
2) I have hunger pangs. Tummy grumbling, dry mouth, gotta have chocolate and carbs and sweetness.
The Service Centre provided delicious doughnuts and energy drinks, and I wolfed them down. I dead-set smashed them back, and in pretty big amounts. I'm talking half a dozen doughnuts and two cans of energy drink badness. Yep, it was a total post-exercise binge. It was sweet. On the road again.
Quarter of an hour later, I'm heavy headed. My mouth is dry. Face flushed and thinking about sleep. There's an hour left to drive. I need a sleep.
I pull off the highway, heart racing in a mix of caffeine, adrenaline and pure pure glucose.
Parked by the sea, I edge the windows open and suck back some fresh air.
I feel nauseous and sleepy. The sickly sugar is pounding my temples. I set an alarm and float into sleep.
A binge-induced, post-prandial, parasympathetic overloaded state of zombiedom.
I wake up dry and flushed, chew down enough water to actually whet my lips unaided, eat some mints and fire the aircon up to full. I drive home, charging. Still nauseous, of course, but alert and focused.
As of tonight, I'm swearing off doughnuts.
