Psyche Rota

Despite a slow start, I'm enjoying Psyche Rota more than I thought I would. I haven't posted much about it, because although I've a penchant for good tales, humourous anecdotes and fresh perspectives, I'm not going to be posting any Psychiatric patient related stories.

I just don't think it's cool; Psyche patients are a particularly vulnerable population, and mashing together individual delusions for the purpose of a story would, I feel, over-emphasise 'wackiness' without either giving due creedence to their serious disability, or helping to reduce the seemingly insurmountable social stigma that comes with chronic mental illness.

I will admit I've heard patients describe delusions and hallucinations that are, on the surface, funny. I'm ashamed to say that the first time I listened to a patient report some of their delusions I couldn't maintain my poker face. At least, not for the first thirty seconds. As the patient continued, a feeling of deep sadness washed over me.

The thoughts were this person's reality.


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