Arrogance I

I've heard flagrantly ridiculous stories about Medical Students doing and saying silly things. Sure, everyone does silly things, but these ones are all a result of a student's inflated self-perception and their lack of humility. Or perhaps plain arrogance. This is the first in a series of three.
A good friend recently relayed to me the following story;

We were at this ball, it was a ball for all Victorian Medical students, and a bunch of us Deakin-folk had gone along to enjoy ourselves. The blokes among who had suits wore them, the girls dressed up nicely, and we caught the buses there expecting a good time. We did indeed have a pleasant evening, soured by only one nefarious incident.

Bob's in his early thirties, and was being his usual friendly self, engaging new and different people in conversation. He found himself having a chat with four immaculately groomed seventeen year-olds, in what were visibly expensive tuxedos. They mentioned that they were in their first year of medical school, how fantastic it was, how smart they are and several other arrogant missives.

The clincher was the point of the conversation where they took the time to stop focusing on themselves, and asked which Med School Bob was at.

He replied "Deakin" and they laughed.

Bob, quick as anything, says, "I wouldn't laugh if I was you; Deakin's a four year programme, and yours is six. I hope, for your sake, you're not the intern on my service in six years time. Think about it, chumps."

And he walked off. The tuxedos stood there looking dumb. Until they remembered how awesome they were and went off to find some chicks.


    Oh Snap!

    Coming from UWS I can't begin to tell you how many times I've gotten a similar reaction/response to what Bob got.

    Many people are very different at 17 to 23. Luckily. But not all.

    On August 24, 2009 at 8:41 AM Lyndal said...

    slam-dunk :)

    love it !