Sh1te Towne vs Chickenman

One of the more spontaneous things I did at Uni was to drive a 800km round trip to watch a game of hockey. I was definitely the passenger; the other lads were seasoned road-trippers. On the trip, we played two games. Sh1te towne and Chickenman.

To play Sh1te towne;

  1. When approaching a town, accelerate to the speed limit. The town is automatically a "Sh1te Towne" if the speed limit remains at the maximum throughout.
  2. At the town's "Welcome to xxx" sign, place the vehicle in neutral.
  3. Roll or glide through the town, obeying all road rules.
  4. Should the vehicle's speed a) drop below 10km/h, b) obstruct local traffic, the vehicle must be returned to the appropriate gear, and the town be declared as "Not sh1ite"
  5. If, however, the town's "Farewell from xxx" sign is passed with the vehicle still in neutral, it shall be declared a Sh1te Towne.
  6. Remember, towns may be sh1te in one direction or both. Make sure you check in both directions.

Chickenman is more of a punishment for dilettante passengers;
  1. A passenger 'playing up' or irritating the driver will be asked to exit the vehicle. Whilst it is stationary, of course.
  2. To regain entry to the vehicle, the passenger must walk in front of the vehicle, along the verge, for a distance of fifty metres, whilst; clucking like a chicken, waving their chicken wings, exposing their chicken legs and buttocks to the driver of the vehicle.
  3. In turn, the driver shall honk the horn and flash the lights for the duration of the walk.
  4. Other passengers are also expected to heckle loudly and point out the window at the Chickenman.
  5. The Chickenman shall be granted reentry to the vehicle, which may reenter the flow of traffic.
Stay safe on the roads folks.