Mowers v. Moas
Friday, April 17, 2009
Do you mow?This is a high yield question in a systems review. Apparently, mowing the lawn is the preferred pass-time in costal Queensland. It also, apparently, has a high rate of medical problems associated with it.

No, I'm not talking about sticking and arm or leg into the path of whirring blades. I'm talking about the folks whose chest pain, breathlessness, nausea, abdominal cramping, leg, arm and back pain all initiate, whilst they are mowing.
And fair enough too, because mowing is hard work. Some farmers spend their whole lives growing and mowing grass. Although, not so much by hand or by push-mower these days. The area around the main Coast hospital is hilly and what with the end of South East Queensland's drought, and weeks of regular rain, the green stuff's trying to turn amazon on Arthur and Martha alike.
There's no sheep here to eat the stuff away, and the other moas are extinct. Far from becoming extinct, Coastal moas appear to be proliferating.
That's why it's a jungle out there.