Stories from the morning after...

The Emergency Contraceptive Pill, or 'Morning After Pill', is a pharmacist-prescribed medication. The pharmacist ensures, to the best of their skills and knowledge, that the treatment is appropriate for the patient and dispenses it. Some features which would result in the patient being unsuitable for the MAP include age <>48hrs since intercourse and a history of other OB/GYN or endocrine abnormalities. These patients are referred to a doctor.

Many patients requesting the MAP are nervous or embarrassed; It's not an easy thing to ask for. On Weekends, there's maybe five requests a day. Most times, the patient is counseled and the drug dispensed without problems. Sometimes, it goes a bit... differently...
  • It's Monday morning; a private school girl timidly requests the MAP. "It was Friday night." Hmm, that's more than 48hrs, so I'm going to refer you to the Doc next door... "But I don't have time to see the Doctor, I've got to do a speech in front of the whole school in like five minutes!"
  • This one's happened a few times. It's some variation of a bloke walking up to the counter and he just casually says, "Yeah, g'day, just a morning after pill thanks." Sometimes, the lady in question will be in another part of the shop, but usually she's at work. In both situations, the bloke looks shocked when I don't just hand it over.
  • A common change-up on the previous scenario is a couple where the female has a very basic grasp of english. This situation is always challenging; it's important she understands what she's asking for, and how it all works. Often, diagrams are the way to go.
  • A girl in her early twenties strolls in, looking unimpressed. "I need the morning after pill." The story comes out that she has an Implanon(R); a subcutaneous progesterone device. It'd been working without any problem for a year. It had another year to go, at least. "The guy I slept with last night told me to get it; he's waiting outside." Welcome to one-night stand couples counseling and basic science. No egg means no baby. Irrespective of sperm presence.
  • "My piercing cut the condom." Rookie mistake, I guess.
  • A very nervous 16 year old girl sidles in. Like, really nervous. There's something not quite right about it; so I ask her straight out. Is this for you? "No; it's for my sister." How old is she? "Thirteen"
  • So, have you used this one before? "Yeah" Is there any chance you are already pregnant? "Hell no! I've already taken it three times month..."
  • A woman loiters around the counter for about ten minutes. She's short, and I reckon in her fifties. She asks for the MAP. When was the first day of your last period? "I guess, maybe four years ago." And before that? "About ten months, I think." Do you mind if I ask how old you are? "Fifty seven."


    What about the surly teenage emo-girl?

    Right in the middle of counselling comes an uppity sigh and "Do we really have to do this? Just give me the tablets."

    Well fuck you miss. You wanna play, you play by my rules. In fact I might turn this into a horrible ordeal for you.

    Fucking emos...oxygen thieves the lot of 'em.

    I am a pharmacist, and I am en emo.