2nd bloggiversary and the next challenge

In all the fuss of my first podcast and this week's Grand Rounds submission, I missed my second bloggiversary. As of Monday I've been at this for two years, and as graduation approaches I'm thinking more about how I want the blog to continue when the hospital system eats more of my time. At this stage I'd say it's more than likely to continue; I just can't resist a challenge!

Speaking of challenges, at the end of last year I knocked over the Razorback Challenge. Since then, I've been eyeing up my next physical endeavour. This May, I'm heading to Switzerland on a ten week Elective. And I'm taking my bicycle. The plan is to ride the Valle d'Aulps, a 164km ride with over 3600m climbing. A great opportunity, it looks to be a giant slogfest of altitude climbing, for which I'll need to spend many more hours in the saddle in the next few months.

I'll keep you updated as it unfolds. Importantly, it's a part of a larger challenge, one that extends beyond Medical School; I want to finish an Ironman Triathlon before I turn thirty.

So, in the next four three and a half years, I'll train towards swimming 3.8km, cycling 180km and running a marathon (42.2km) inside 17 hours. By the end of this year, I also plan to run a marathon. It's all about baby steps, starting this weekend with the Mooloolaba Triathlon; my first olympic distance tri.

Meantime, paediatric lectures are calling!