Locum Tenens

It's been quite a while since I've done a true locum shift, but today is it. I'm filling in for a friend who's having a long weekend.

Locum is a shortening of Locum Tenens, which translates literally as 'place holder'.

A locum shift can be great fun; it's a good chance to meet some new people and patients and everyone's usually very helpful and makes you feel more than welcome. Also, you're not expected to know all the ins and outs, so you get cut some slack; just dispense without mistakes, counsel new medications and write in the controlled drug book. If you're so inclined, you might read the paper (I'm not a fan of this; I'll elaborate more later) or maybe have a wee browse on the internet. Good times, really.

The flipside, of course, is when it turns to shit. The shop assistant is late. The alarm code is wrong. The computers won't start. You've got methadone clients baying for your blood because you used too much orange cordial. Your shop assistants are morons. The EFTPOS craps out. The manager hasn't left you an emergency phone number. You do 300 'scripts. Before lunchtime.

Luckily, today has been the former; I love my job.